Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 7

Weighed in this morning at 169.  Haven't seen that in a year.  Maybe 2 years.  169!  Wow.  BMI 29.5 

7 lbs in 7 days.  Holy cow.   How is that possible when I'm eating all the time?  Salad, dairy, meat, vegetables and yummy protein snacks.  The only thing I'm doing really differently is eating just oneone serving of grains a day and having protein snacks instead of carb snacks.  It's crazy.  I can't quite believe how dramatically this is working.

If you're reading this blog, you may be wondering whether I am selling this program or being paid to write this.  I'm not.  I'm just shocked and awed at the amazing results of making a couple of small changes.  I expected this blog would have a lot more angst and a lot less success.  That's the way weight loss has gone for me before.  Months of effort to drop three or four pounds, only to have it come back.  If it comes back now, I know just how to get it off.  I'll be having lessons on how to stabilize eventually.  One month of following the plan 2 weeks of stabilizing, 2 months of following the plan, 2 weeks of stabilizing until goal is reached. 

I didn't dare believe it would,  but it's working. 


Friday, November 5, 2010


Day 6-
I have been following the Healthpoint plan reasonably well.  I have some trouble getting everything I'm supposed to eat in during the day.  I tend to miss an "Optional" or a "vegetable" at some point during the day, but I'm not hungry, and I'm losing like crazy.

I have an official weigh in each week at my TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meeting.  The last three weeks of October I weighed in at 176 lbs.  Nice consistent 'turtling.'  This week I was 173.5 lbs.  Down 2.5 lbs in on Day 3 of the program.

This morning, day 6, I weighed in at 171 on my bathroom scale which is usually the same as the official TOPS scale.  171 is a great number, because it means that the BMI is 29.8.  Which means I'M NOT OBESE ANYMORE!!!!!

I got an order in from Mountain Equipment Co-op today.  I ordered a pair of pants and a skirt for our trip to Mexico in 6 weeks.  I ordered both a size smaller than I was wearing last week.   Hopefully they will fit next month, but seriously, if this loosing continues, they might be too big!!  I would not complain...